The Education Foundation of South Brunswick Township is dedicated to enhancing the quality of the student learning experience in South Brunswick Township Public Schools.
Capital Fund Grants
As part of the its mission to enhance the quality of the student learning experience in South Brunswick Township Public Schools the Foundation makes grants available for larger capital projects.  Projects and programs that address needs in the entire district.  Capital Fund Grants are designed to provide a short-term fund for a long-term need.

To date the Foundation has provided over $100,000 in Capital Fund Grants.

Requests for Capital Fund Grants can be made through District/School Administration.

For More Information on Capital Grants, Contact Us at:  info@edfoundationsb.org
Capital Fund Grants:
District Engineering Initiative (Phase I)  $42,000The key objective of the “Hands On Engineering Initiative” is to infuse engineering into the mainstream K-12 curriculum. More...

Document Cameras  $17,325Purchase of 175 document cameras for use in grades K thru 12 classrooms.

VTN Studio Makeover  $41,210This grant allows the Viking Television Network (VTN) to provide enhanced video services to the entire school district.