About The Education Foundation of South Brunswick Township, Inc.
The creation and development of the Education Foundation of South Brunswick Township, Inc., in 2009, as a non-profit corporation is an outgrowth of increasing educational needs in the community and the uncertainty of public school funding in New Jersey. In addition to addressing fiscal needs, the Foundation is designed to provide a forum for communication and an ongoing opportunity to exchange ideas on behalf of educational interests of the community.
South Brunswick School District has enjoyed the generous support of the community, allowing the schools to develop exceptionally effective programs for students. Through this support, the District has distinguished itself on every measurable front as one of the best K-12 institutions in the State of New Jersey. The Foundation will focus on preserving, protecting, and perhaps enhancing the excellent educational opportunities of the School District.
The Foundation is a private non-profit corporation. However, its only purpose is to serve the South Brunswick School District. The Board of Trustees will consist of individuals with the specific skills and influences necessary to make the Foundation financially and programmatically successful. A representative of the Board of Education shall be asked to sit as permanent, Ex-officio Trustee without vote, to ensure that a congruence of philosophy is maintained between the schools and the Foundation, and to protect the District's interests.
Mission Statement
It is the mission of The Education Foundation of South Brunswick Township, Inc. (a non-profit corporation) to promote and provide educational support and opportunities through innovative programs and projects. The organization will fulfill its mission by attracting and allocating financial and in-kind gifts of goods and services to and for the students of the South Brunswick School District.
The Foundation will carry out its mission by focusing its support in the following areas:
Enhancing Student Development & School Facilities
- Providing funds for learning activities that supplement, complement, and augment the basic educational program.
- Providing equipment and facilities not funded through other means.
Encouraging excellence through creative learning and teaching
- Providing venture capital for creative ideas and programs.
- Supporting the professional growth of staff.
Promoting community/school partnerships
- Promoting community awareness of educational challenges and solutions.
- Developing innovative programs to address the needs of students of the South Brunswick School District and the community it serves.
- Providing avenues for individuals, businesses, and organizations to share resources and gifts with the South Brunswick School District.
Primary Funds
Professional Development Fund
Providing funds for teachers and administrators to pursue innovative professional development experiences in support of Foundation goals that would otherwise not be available through typical funding (district budget; available grants).
Academic Enhancement Fund
Allocations from this fund will be designated for providing learning opportunities for students that extend the Board of Education adopted curriculum.
Arts and Athletics Fund
Allocations from this fund will serve to enhance student opportunities and experiences in the fine and performing arts as well as athletics. Such funding should promote lifelong enrichment and enjoyment of the arts and athletics for students, staff and the community. This fund includes the Joanne Kerekes Arts Grant, introduced in 2016, which awards up to $1000 to the District Arts department.
Scholarship Fund
The Foundation awards up to four general scholarships and one Dr. Gary P. McCartney Scholarship (for student pursuing an education career) per year to graduating South Brunswick H.S. seniors. The value of each scholarship awarded is $1500. The Foundation also awards up to one $500 Vocational/Technical school scholarship per year. Funding for these scholarships comes from donations by Chartwells, Dr. Gary P. McCartney and other benefactors. For applications and requirements please contact the South Brunswick High School guidance office.
More information on scholarships.
The Board of Trustees is empowered to expand the primary funds at its discretion.