The Foundation Awards Over $10,600 in 2018-2019 Grants
January 14, 2019
The Education Foundation of South Brunswick Township has awarded 20 teacher grants totaling $10,667 from its 2018-2019 Spark of Innovation Grant Program.

This is the seventh year that the Foundation has awarded grants to assist teachers and their students in creating new opportunities for teaching and learning not funded through the normal school budget process. The continuing goal of this program is to spark innovation in our schools and to give teachers an opportunity to put their creative ideas to work in the classroom. The continuing goal of this program is to spark innovation in our schools and to give teachers an opportunity to put their creative ideas to work in the classroom.
Receiving grants are: Katina Ewaskiewicz, Indian Fields Elementary School; Tracy Kociolek, Constable Elementary School; Ellen Kazar, Brooks Crossing Elementary School; Jill Ward, Monmouth Junction Elementary School; Jennifer Kipnis, Greenbrook Elementary School; Kristin Mallon, Cambridge Elementary School; Suzanne Tiedemann, Brunswick Acres Elementary School; Sara Boscaino, Crossroads North Middle School; Susan Berkey, Crossroads North Middle School; Autilia DiPalma, Crossroads South Middle School; Lauren Sierotowics, Beth Nebenhaus and Courtney Franzyshen, Brooks Crossing Elementary School; Cristina Janis, South Brunswick High School; Lisa Cirone, Crossroads South Middle School; Susan Pazinko, Brooks Crossing Elementary School; Andrea Ebbinghausen and Lauren Bierman, Brooks Crossing Elementary School; Karen Delcampe, Monmouth Junction Elementary School; Rachel Kline and Ronald Ulshafer, Cambridge Elementary School; Raymond Ostrowski, South Brunswick High School; Melissa Caruso, Greenbrook Elementary School; Pilar Nunez and Melissa Feliciano, Crossroads North Middle School.
Click here for a complete listing of Spark of Innovation Grant recipients.
For additional information regarding the Foundation, contact Martin Abschutz, president, at News...